ITF Privacy Notice – ITF Academy

Note: This Privacy Notice applies to individuals who visit and navigate the ITF Academy website, those who participate in our online and in-person ITF Academy courses, conferences, webinars and when you register for and use the ITF Academy eBook function. If you engage with the ITF in any other way, your personal data will be processed in accordance with the applicable Privacy Notice. All ITF Privacy Notices can be found on the ITF website.

Please read this notice carefully.


1.    About Us

ITF Licensing (UK) Limited trading as the International Tennis Federation (ITF) is a data controller of any personal data it collects and holds about you. The ITF is referred to as “we”, “us” and “our” in this privacy notice.  We are a company registered in England and Wales under company number 02584446. We are registered on the Information Commissioner's Office Register; registration number Z5603782.


We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy in accordance with the applicable data protection laws which impose certain obligations on us as a data controller. This notice provides you with the necessary information regarding your rights and our obligations, and explains how, why and when we process your personal data.


We will endeavour to inform you of any substantial changes to our processing of your personal data. We may also provide you with other specific privacy notices if we process different types of data for you. We may also provide you with other specific privacy notices if we process different types of data for you. You can find a list of all our privacy notices here: .


Please note that the ITF Academy website may contain links to third party websites / digital platforms. We are only responsible for the privacy practices and security of our own digital platforms. We recommend that you check the privacy and security policies and procedures of every other website / digital platform that you visit.

If you require any further information, or wish to contact us about how we collect and store your data, our contact details are:



Bank Lane, Roehampton, London UK, SW15 5XZ

Telephone Number

+44 20 8878 6464

Data Protection Officer’s Email


To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) we have appointed a European representative. If you wish to contact them, their details are as follows:


Bird & Bird GDPR Representative Services SRL

Avenue Louise 235

1050 Bruxelles


Key Contact: Vincent Rezzouk-Hammachi


2.    Who this privacy notice applies to

This privacy notice explains how we will use the personal data of anyone who:

·         registers to attend and participate in an online or in-person ITF Academy course, conference or webinar;

·         registers for and uses the ITF Academy eBook function (including web application); and

·         uses the ITF Academy website (the Website) by:

o   navigating and interacting with the Website;

o   registering for an online account on the Website;

o   signing up for any newsletter on the Website; and

o   expressly providing us with their personal data on the Website.

Each such person is referred to as “you” and “your” in this privacy notice.

3.    How we obtain your personal data

We collect and process your data when you use ITF Academy (as set out in paragraph 2 above), or communicate with us in relation to ITF Academy. We may also obtain data about you:

·         that is publicly available, such as information from media, websites, and your social media accounts;

·         from other organisations, including our National Associations and Regional Associations, the ATP, WTA and the Grand Slam Board, where those other associations lawfully share your information with us;

·         from other regulatory bodies or law enforcement as part of our role and responsibilities as the regulator of ITF competitions and only when that information relates to regulatory or criminal investigations in respect of safeguarding issues or other matters prohibited under our terms of engagement with you;

·         when we ask you to complete optional surveys that we use for research purposes;

·         if you sign-up for our newsletters or for competitions or promotions;

·         and

·         when you digitally interact with the Website which may include the use of cookies (subject to our Cookie policy).

4.    The types of personal data we process

We may process personal data about you, including personal data about:

you as an individual (if you choose to register a user account with us)

      your full name

      your email address, address and telephone numbers (including mobile number)

      your sex

      your nationality

      country of residence

      your date of birth (and year of birth if you registered prior to May 08, 2024)

      for children under 18yrs, information (including name and contact details) about your parents or guardians

you as an individual (if you register to attend a course in person)

      accessibility requirements

      your passport details (if you ask for a visa supporting letter)

      your national identification document


your financial details (if applicable)

your (or your nominated financier’s) credit or other card details (number, expiry, security code, name, billing address) when you provide these to us for the purposes of processing a payment to services (e.g. for eBook purchases). Payments for ITF Academy course fees are processed by WorldPay.

your technology information

      how you have reached our digital platform

      your device identifiers including IP address

      your browser type, versions and plug-ins, and your operating system

      your journey through the Website, including which links you click on and searches you made, how long you stayed on a page, and other page interaction information

your preferences and digital journey

      whether you wish to receive marketing from us and which types of marketing material you would like to receive

      which promotions or adverts you respond to

·      which videos you watched, articles you read, and content you liked

your correspondence

      information collected in any forms that you complete

·      information contained in any correspondence, or communications received or sent by you in respect of the Website


5.    How we will use your personal data and the legal basis for using that personal data:

Performance of our contract with you

Fulfil the contract of service that you enter into with us (e.g. when you register to attend a course, conference or webinar or enter one of our Website competitions)



We may use your personal data to:

·      verify your identity, address and other information provided to us about you, including integrating your account with any existing ITF records.

·      set up your account and authenticate your registration when you register an account with us to attend an online course

·      to enable us to administer any prize draws or similar competitions or other offers/promotions which you enter

·      receive and manage payments (if you need to pay for any ITF Academy products or services). If you provide a credit or debit card, we use third parties to check the validity of the sort code, account number and card details you submit in order to prevent fraud

·      communicate with you

·      provide supporting letters for use in visa applications for in-person courses

Enable our business and pursue our legitimate interests or those of a third party

Manage our training courses and conferences

We will use your personal data to:

·      organise, facilitate and promote our training courses and related events, including your safe participation in those courses

·      ensure that you receive the best training and education opportunities

·      verify level(s) of certification with National Associations and Regional Associations

·      report to your National Association on your use of the Academy on their account

Development of the game of tennis and coaching

We may use your personal data to develop tennis both as a global sport and within your country, as well as monitor and encourage participation, including in relation to tennis coaching.

Regulating and protecting the integrity of the game, and comply with legal and regulatory obligations 

We may use your personal data to: 

      ensure adherence to the rules, regulations and codes of conduct that apply to tennis and coaching; 

      investigate and resolve any disciplinary issues or potential breaches of our Rules and Regulations, Code of Ethics and other codes or policies that you, your employer or your Association are subject to; 

      uphold the highest stands of integrity in respect of the game of tennis and of the ITF; 

      monitor, prevent, investigate and/or report fraud, misrepresentation, security incidents or crime, in accordance with applicable laws; and

      record your compliance with any education requirements of ITF rules, regulations and codes of conduct.


Monitor and research

We may use your personal data to:

      monitor the Website and our training courses, including gathering and presenting statistical information about users of the ITF Academy

      assess and improve the effectiveness of the Website and our training courses, including gathering and presenting statistical information about users of the ITF Academy

      undertake research to improve our training courses


Other business interests

We may use your personal data to:

      promote the ITF’s training courses, programmes and events through online and traditional media

      monitor use of, improve and protect our Website and online services both online and offline

      update, consolidate and improve our business and the services that we provide to you as well as the accuracy of our records and to enable us to identify our users, members and service beneficiaries

      identify other products and services you may be interested in and telling you about other products and services

      obtain your feedback and respond to and rectify complaints received by you and other users, members and service beneficiaries of the ITF

      analyse your personal data to make sure that you only receive information that is relevant to you

      develop and improve our federation and facilitate investment in, and the growth of, our business

      manage and mitigate the risks to you and our federation

      conduct market research

Investigate and respond to complaints, disputes and where necessary to bring or defend legal claims


We may use your personal data to:

      identify and record facts and evidence; and  

      investigate and respond to complaints, disputes, regulatory investigations and/or to bring or defend legal claims.


Legal Obligations

Compliance with applicable laws

We may use your personal data to comply with applicable laws i.e. criminal, safeguarding, regulatory and investigative purposes (including disclosure of personal data in connection with legal proceedings and litigation).  



We may seek your consent to use your personal data for some purposes. When we ask for you consent we will explain the reasons why. You are entitled to refuse consent. However, your refusal to provide consent may mean that we are unable to provide you with services that you have requested.

Explicit Consent 

In addition, we may process information about your medical history, ethnic and racial background and religion (“Special Category Data”).  

In most cases, we will only process this with your explicit consent, which may include situations such as:   

      ensuring accessibility of an ITF training course, event or conference;

      complying with preferences in relation to attendance at an ITF an ITF training course, event or conference (e.g. dietary requirements).   

Substantial Public Interest Reasons

Where processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest

Special Category Data will only be processed without your explicit consent where it is necessary and only where:  

      we are legally permitted or required to process this information without seeking your consent; and 

      it is necessary for substantial public interest, which includes processing for these purposes: 

-          anti-doping;  

-          anti-corruption and protecting the integrity of tennis from dishonesty, malpractice or other seriously improper conduct;  

-          processing in order to protect the integrity of our sport, including against fraudulent or corrupt practices;  

-          safeguarding against physical, mental or emotional harm, or neglect. 

In addition, criminal offence data may be processed without your explicit consent for the purposes described above, even if not in the substantial public interest.  


Where we have obtained your consent to processing your personal data (including special category data), you are entitled to withdraw your consent to this at any time. Please contact us if you wish to do so.

If you withdraw your consent, we will not continue to process this information for the purpose for which consent was obtained, but this will not impact the validity of any processing undertaken before you withdrew your consent.

6.    How we use your personal data to make automated decisions

Sometimes we will make an automated decision on the basis of your personal data. These help to ensure that the management of our courses are based on accurate information and is fair and efficient. The automated decisions we make are:

o   determining whether you have successfully completed an online course that contains a scored assessment based on your answers. The score may be automatically calculated based on your responses based on pre-programmed assessment criteria;

o   providing automated feedback on your answers; and

o   determining whether you have met any prerequisite or eligibility criteria based on successful completion of earlier Academy courses.

These automated decisions are made pursuant to the agreement we have with you regarding your selection and participation in our courses. 

7.       Marketing

We may ask you, when you provide us with your personal data, if you are happy for us to contact you by telephone, post, email or SMS about products and services offered by us or our commercial partners which we think may be of interest to you.

If you do not agree to this, we will not use your personal data for this purpose.

We will use your personal data to enable us to provide you with information that is most relevant to you.

If, at any time, you change your preferences and either do wish to receive such communications or wish us to stop sending you such communications you can let us know by one of the following methods:

1.       email us at  and we’ll be happy to contact you to help change your preferences. (As this isn’t a secure channel, please don’t include any personal details in any emails sent to this address.)

2.       click the ‘Update your details’ or ‘Unsubscribe’ link on any marketing emails that we send you.

For more information about how the ITF processes your personal data for marketing purposes, please refer to the ITF Privacy Notice for Marketing (on the ITF website).

We may also use your personal data to conduct market research, which does not require your consent. However, we will respect your marketing preferences where any market research is combined with promotional content.

8.    Who we share your personal data with

Your personal data may be shared with ITF Limited, registered in the Bahamas. Hosting and storage of your personal data takes place at the ITF’s secure data storage facilities in Roehampton and Slough (United Kingdom), and also on our Hosted Service Provider platforms (Microsoft’s Office 365 and Azure cloud hosting platforms). All data is stored in the UK or European Union.

We share your personal data with:

         you and your representatives and agents;

         any person you ask us to provide information to;

         organisations engaged in the process of making or receiving payments on our or your behalf (including WorldPay);

         National Associations, Regional Associations and tournament organisers;

         the other tennis governing bodies – ATP, WTA, the Grand Slam Board, Tennis Australia, French Tennis Federation, Wimbledon, and US Tennis Association;

         other organisations involved in protecting the integrity of our sport against corruption and anti-doping, including the International Tennis Integrity Agency, formerly the Tennis Integrity Unit, other anti-doping organisations, law enforcement agencies;  

         the International Olympic Committee and International Paralympic Committee;

         educators, tutors, coaches and other participants involved in a course you are taking part in.

         sports disciplinary bodies that have responsibility under the regulations to hear cases and appeals, including the Independent Tribunal (run by Sport Resolutions UK) and the Court of Arbitration for Sport;  

         the ITF Ethics Commission;  

         courts and any arbitrator or adjudicator of a dispute involving us;

         our platform service providers (World Academy of Sport through CENSEO Learning);

         law enforcement agencies; and

         our advisers, auditors, agents, and service suppliers who act or may act on our behalf.

Some of these third parties will act as a processor on behalf of the ITF, and only on our instruction.  Others will be a separate data controller in respect of that personal data, and will process your personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection laws relevant to that organisation.


Personal data may be shared with government authorities and/or law enforcement officials if mandated by law or if required for the legal protection of our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable laws.


In all instances where we disclose your information to third parties, we will ensure that your information is appropriately protected.

9.    How long we will hold your data

We will hold information about you only for as long as we need it for the purpose for which we collected it, which is as follows:

·      we will retain and process information about you:

o  if you register and create an ITF Academy account we will hold information about you for as long as you have an active account with us;

o  as long as you log onto our websites, platforms or online portals or use our services (including engaging with emails, registering for ITF courses, making purchases or downloading content) we will keep your personal data for a reasonable period from the date you cease to have an account, login credentials or association with us.

o  if you have provided any personal data specifically to enter a promotional competition, we will delete that personal data immediately after the competition has finished (but if during that entry you consent to receive marketing emails we will continue to process your details for that purpose);

o  if you choose to complete an optional survey, we will hold information about you only for a maximum period of 12 months after you completed the survey.

·      we will only keep your payment preferences for as long as is necessary to process a payment. This means that we will ask for your payment details each time a payment needs to be processed for you.

·      where you have consented to us using your data for direct marketing purposes or to receive newsletters, we will hold information about you for a period of 12 months after you have unsubscribed from all such newsletters or marketing. If you ask us to stop processing your data for this purpose, we will keep a record of the fact that you have asked us not to send you direct marketing or newsletters or to process your data indefinitely so that we can respect your request in the future.

·      If you are under 18 years old at the time of registering for ITF Academy and provide your parents or guardians name and contact details, we will hold this information until you are over 18 years old.

We may retain the data for longer where it is necessary for us to meet our legal and regulatory obligations. For example, personal data linked to disciplinary cases under applicable regulations, subject access requests, disputes, or safeguarding investigations will be kept for as long as it is necessary for those purposes, as each is applicable.




If you are under 18 years olds
If you are under 18 and wish to register for the Website you must confirm that your parent/legal guardian has agreed for you to register for the Website. We will ask you for the name and email address of your parent/legal guardian. We will send your parent/legal guardian an email so they are aware you have registered for the Website, explain the services provided on the Website and the fact that you should get your parent/legal guardians consent each time you:

·         email us, or ask us to email anything to you; 

·         send us any information;

·         register to participate in our online and in-person ITF Academy courses, conferences, webinars;

·         register for the ITF Academy eBook function;

·         enter a competition or survey; 

·         buy anything from us (like eBook purchases).

Parents/Legal guardians of under 18 year olds

Please note we do not seek your separate, direct consent to your child’s registration, but we expect them to inform you and get your agreement in advance before they register and before each time they do any of the activities listed above.


In common with many other website operators, we use standard technology called 'cookies' on the Websites. Cookies are small pieces of text information that are stored by your browser on your device and they are used to record or customise your interactions with the Websites on each visit.

For further, more detailed information on how we use cookies please refer to our Cookies Policy which can be accessed on the Website.


12.Your legal rights

You have a number of rights over your personal data processed by us. These include:

         access to, and correction of, incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data

         transmission of personal data to you or to another person or organisation

         erasure of personal data

         restriction to our processing of your personal data

         objection to processing personal data

If we receive a request from you to exercise any of the above rights, we may ask you to verify your identity before acting on the request; this is to ensure that your data is protected and kept secure.


The extent of these rights are limited by law and we may not act on part or all of your request(s) where the right(s) are not applicable. If we do not act on your request, we will explain our reasons why.


Please contact us through our Data Protection Officer if you require any further information or wish to make a request to exercise any of your rights under applicable Data Protection laws.


In most cases we will respond to your request within one month.

13.Sending your personal data outside the UK and the EEA

We may transfer and your data may be processed outside the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Economic Area (EEA) if necessary for the successful delivery of the ITF Academy. This includes:

         National Associations or Regional Associations or tournaments outside the EEA if you have entered a tournament or development programme taking place in that nation or region, or are otherwise associated with them;

         the ATP, WTA, USTA and Tennis Australia;

         World Anti-Doping Agency;

         educators, tutors or coaches based outside the EEA.


Where we transfer your data outside of the EEA, we will create and maintain appropriate safeguards so that your personal data is subject to the same standards and protections as when we are processing your personal information inside the EEA.

You can contact us for more information about this.

14.How to complain

Please contact us using the contact details in the “About Us” section above, though our Data Protection Officer or EU Representative  if you are unhappy with the outcome of any of your requests to exercise your rights, or how we handle your personal data. You are also entitled to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office via

15.Our Privacy Notice available in other formats

This Privacy Notice may be translated in to French and Spanish upon request and can be displayed in large print, Braille and audio also upon request.